This kayak was built with hatches, bulkheads, soft padeyes and perimeter lines.
Length: 17 feet
Beam: 25.5 inches
Weight: 43 lbs.
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12/6/15 - The boat is complete after 78 hours of work.
View of the bow.
View of the stern.
First paddle!
Happy customer!
10/8/15 - Hull panels are glued together.
Both #3 panels are in place.
10/11/15 - The hull is fully wired.
All of the seams between panels are filled with thickened epoxy.
Sanded smooth and ready for fiberglass.
10/16/15 - The hull is fiberglassed.
10/23/15 - The deck is stitched together.
10/25/15 - The underside of the deck is epoxied.
10/27/15 - The interior is fiberglassed.
11/1/15 - The deck is epoxied into place.
11/5/15 - The deck is fiberglassed.
Coaming lip is epoxied in place.
The entire boat has been sanded.
12/3/15 - The first coat of varnish is on the deck.
12/5/15 - Bungies on the forward deck.