Turned over and setting in on her cradles.
View of the interior.
1/28/21 - The anchor locker is filleted.
2/5/21 - After several days filletting the bulkheads, the keelson is filletted with epoxy and fiberglass tape.
View in the bow section.
2/6/21 - A drain for the anchor well is temporarily installed.
2/7/21 - Reinforcement pieces are epoxied to the keel trunk.
Overhanging hull panels are trimmed to match the sheer clamp.
2/11/21 - Berth support gussets are epoxied in place and fill coats of epoxy are applied from the bow to bulkhead B.
2/15/21 - The forward berth/ salon sides are cut and put in place.
The berth sides are epoxied in place.
2/12/21 - Berth bearers are epoxied in place.
2/18/21 - The cabin sole supports are screwed and epoxied in place.
2/20/21 - Floatation foam is added in the bow.
Expanding foam is added in sugar scoop area.
2/22/21 - The rest of the sugar scoop is filled with floatation foam.
The anchor well is given a coat of paint.
2/23/21 - The foam is trimmed.
Stainless chainplates are ready to be polished.
2/24/21 - Areas that will be covered by seats or cabin sole are painted.
2/26/21 - The sugar scoop inner skin is test fit.
Inner skin is epoxied in place after being sealed with epoxy on the inside surface.
2/28/21 - The sugar scoop is filleted.
3/1/21 - Two of the forward berth tops are test fit.
3/3/21 - The starboard seat top shape is determined.
All of the forward seat tops are cut out.
Hull window reinforcements are epoxied in place.
3/4/21 - Hatch lips are epoxied in place on the forward berth.
3/7/21 - The sugar scoop is fiberglassed. (The white section is epoxy filler.)
3/10/21 - The forward seat tops are epoxied in place.
Forward seat hatch lids are fiberglassed.
3/12/21 - A part of bulkhead H that broke off during the hull turning is epoxied back in place.
3/15/21 - The entire interior is given a seal coat of epoxy.
3/16/21 - The berth storage lids are fill coated with epoxy.
3/17/21 - Supports for the battery platform are epoxied in place.
Berth support stringer epoxied in place.
The forward berth storage lids fit nicely.
3/19/21 - The cabinet fronts for the galley are cut and fit.
3/22/21 - Aft quarter berth walls are epoxied in place.
Galley cabinent supports epoxied in place.
3/23/21 - Quarter berth stringers are epoxied in place.
3/24/21 - The chart table / fuse panel cabinet is framed out.
The frame is epoxied in place.
3/26/21 - Port side berth tops are fit.
Starboard side berth tops are fit.
3/27/21 - Galley cabinet front is epoxied in place.
Starboard berth top is reinforced with carbon fiber.
3/28/21 - The chart table cabinet front is epoxied in place.
3/30/21 - Overall shot of the boat.
View from the stern.
Galley cabinet doors are test fit.
4/7/21 - Cabin sole supports are temporarily fit.
Cockpit sole supports are coated with epoxy.
4/9/21 - Interior of galley cabinet is painted.
Interior of chart table cabinet is painted.
4/12/21 - The fuse/switch panel is set up.
4/14/21 - The chart cabinent door is test hung.
Door into the head is test hung.
Swings open nicely.
4/21/21 - The mast support post is epoxied together.
4/22/21 - Cross section of the mast support post.
Mast support is test fit.
First coat of paint is applied to the forward cabin.
4/23/21 - Mast post is fiberglassed.
4/25/21 - Forward storage cover is fitted.
Mast support post is epoxied in place.
4/26/21 - Splines are hot glued in place to determine the shape of cabin sole.
4/27/21 - Galley counter top is test fit.
Backing plate for chainplates is epoxied in place.
4/28/21 - The first piece of cabin sole is cut out.
4/29/21 - The forward cabin sole pieces are cut and test fit.
The sole for the head compartment is test fit.
4/30/21 - The rest of the cabin sole is fit.
Overall shot of the cabin.
5/6/21 - Cockpit sole supports are epoxied in place.
Galley countertop is epoxied in place.
5/7/21 - The aft area is painted with Interprotect primer since it will be used for wet storage.
5/10/21 - The area under the cockpit gets its first coat of paint.
5/11/21 - Second coat for under the cockpit.
4 coats for forward cabin.
Port side.
5/12/21 - Third and fourth coat.
Forward cabin is done.
Galley area gets its first coat.
5/13/21 - The first round of interior painting is done.
5/15/21 - The electrical panel is mounted.
Cabin speakers are mounted.
5/16/21 - Power has been run to the panel.
5/17/21 - View behind the panel.
5/18/21 - Battery charger and fuse.
Wire run to the stern.
5/19/21 - The cockpit sole is cut and fit.
6/1/21 - The cockpit walls are test fit.
6/2/21 - The teak and holly cabin sole looks good with a coat of epoxy on it.
6/4/21 - The traveler beam is laminated from several pieces of plywood.
The #1 cabin top pieces are epoxied to full length.
The companionway ladder in it's rough form.
6/6/21 - The traveler beam is sanded smooth. The part sticking out is the chartplotter mount.
The cockpit walls are filletted.
Traveler beam and several other parts are sealed with epoxy.
6/7/21 - The inside corners of the cockpit are reinforced with fiberlgass tape.
Stringers are epoxied to the upper edges of the cockpit walls.
6/8/21 - The forward deck is test fit.
6/9/21 - The companionway ladder is test fit.
The forward deck is epoxied in place.
6/10/21 - Fiberglass cloth is laid on the cockpit sole.
The first section is saturated.
The entire cockpit sole is fiberglassed.
The anchor locker opening is traced onto the bow.
The starboard deck is trimmed flush with the sheer clamp.
6/13/21 - Windows are cut in the starboard #2 cabin panel.
The ladder is sealed with epoxy.
The traveler support beam is epoxied in place.
Starboard cabin panels #1 and #2 are test fit.
6/14/21 - Cabin windows are cut out from pieces of acrylic.
Track saw was used for straight lines.
A recess is routed out for the windows.
Window fits nicely.
6/15/21 - With a little trimming the cabin top pieces will fit nicely.
6/16/21 - The deck pieces are fit around the cockpit.
6/17/21 - View of the cabin top from the interior.
6/20/21 - Footbraces are epoxied onto the cockpit sole.
The cabin top seams are filled with epoxy.
6/20/21 - Plywood caps are installed at the shear joint.
6/27/21 - The caps are rough cut in line with the deck and hull.
A block plane was used to shape the caps.
The inside of the cabin top seams are filled with epoxy and fiberglass tape.
6/28/21 - The underside of the cabin top is sealed with epoxy.
6/30/21 - Backing plates are epoxied in place.
Custom forward bunk is test fit on the trailer.
7/1/21 - Underside of the cabin top is sanded.
7/2/21 - The bases of the aft trailer bunks are fiberglassed.
Forward trailer bunk is epoxied together.
7/6/21 - The bunks are test fit on the trailer.
Inside of aft bunks are filleted.
Cabintop/ deck joint is filleted with epoxy.
7/7/21 - View into the cabin from the cockpit.
The opening for the lifting keel is cut.
7/8/21 - Fiberglass cloth is laid on the cockpit seats.
The fiberglass is saturated with epoxy.
Extra glass is trimmed.
7/9/21 - Storage hatches are cut out in the aft part of the cockpit.
Hatch lips are cut out.
7/11/21 - The bottoms of the aft bunks are filled with thickened epoxy.
7/12/21 - Sapele pieces are are sealed with epoxy.
Companionway hatch slides are test fit.
Hardwood transom reinforcement is epoxied in place.
7/13/21 - Cockpit storage doors are sealed with epoxy.
Companionway hatch pieces are temporarily screwed in place.
7/14/21 - Locking hatch handles are installed.
Mast step and connectors for wires are temporarily mounted.
7/15/21 - Walnut Koru inlay is cut into the side of the cabin.
Paua shell is added to the koru.
7/17/21 - Fiberglass cloth is laid on the cabin and deck.
The cloth is saturated with epoxy.
The inlay under the glass.
Trailer bunks are fiberglassed.
7/25/21 - Forward hatch is test fit.
View of hatch from outside.
View into the cabin.
7/26/21 - The anchor well hatch is cut out.
Hatch lips are epoxied in place.
7/27/21 - Trailer bunks are given several fill coats of epoxy.
Cockpit sole is given several fill coats of epoxy.
Companionway hatch trim is epoxied in place.
Remainder of hatch lips are epoxied in place.
Acrylic is cut and fit for hull windows.
Holes are cut for vents.
Mushroom vent from inside the cabin.
Solar vent from inside the head.
Custom mounts for navigation lights are test fit.
7/28/21 - Holes for cleats are drilled in the deck.
8/12/21 - The deck and cabintop are given several fill coats of epoxy.
The boat is partially sanded.
8/15/21 - The anchor locker hatch is test fit.
8/17/21 - The deck and cabin top are sanded in preparation for paint.
8/19/21 - The window recesses are painted.
8/20/21 - #1 cabin panel is taped off.
8/22/21 - Deck is primed.
Cabin top is primed.
Trailer bunks are primed.
8/24/21 - Trailer bunks are given first coat of paint.
8/28/21 - Second coat of paint.
8/29/21 - The bunks are placed on the trailer.
8/30/21 - The primer and hull paint are sanded for final painting.
Sheer joint is taped off.
Cockpit area giving first coat of paint. Interlux Perfection Platinum.
Cabintop given first coat of paint.
8/31/21 - Second coat of paint is applied.
Second coat on the sugar scoop.
9/1/21 - Deck is taped off for non-skid.
Paint and non-skid particles are applied.
Non skid on the bow.
9/3/21 - The companionway hatch sliders are sanded and ready for epoxy.
Deck is taped off for final hull paint and varnish on #1 panel.
Hatch sliders are epoxied and screwed in place.
First coat of hull paint.
The trailer is finished and ready for the boat.
9/8/21 - The companionway hatch parts are test fit.
9/12/21 - Several coats of varnish have been added to the cockpit sole.
Several coats of varnish added to cabin top sides.
9/13/21 - Hull windows are installed.
Cabin windows are installed.
Companionway hatch pieces are primed.
9/15/21 - Speakers, chartplotter, manual bilge pump, and motor controls are mounted.
Vents, main hatch, mast step, and keel lift fittings are mounted.
9/16/21 - Aft navigation lights and bilge pump thru hulls are mounted.
Forestay chainplate and navigation lights are mounted.
9/19/21 - The cockpit will look good at night!
9/27/21 - The companionway hatch from the inside.
9/29/21 - The boat is on the way out.
She's coming out slowly.
Almost on the trailer.
Sitting on the temporary trailer bunk.
Last time it will be in this workshop.
She's out at last!
Ready for phase 2.